Managed Kubernetes Services Cost Comparison - EKS vs GKE vs AKS

February 01, 2022

Managed Kubernetes Services Cost Comparison

Looking for a managed Kubernetes service for your cloud infrastructure? You've come to the right place! In this post, we'll be comparing the costs of Amazon Web Services (EKS), Google Cloud Platform (GKE), and Microsoft Azure (AKS) Kubernetes services.

Cost Comparison

To accurately compare the costs of each managed Kubernetes service, we'll be looking at the prices for running three worker nodes and one master node for a total of one month. We'll also assume that you're running these nodes in the US East region for all three providers.

Amazon Web Services (EKS)

The cost of running a single EKS cluster on Amazon Web Services consists of two parts: the cost of the worker nodes and the cost of the EKS service itself. The cost of EKS is $0.10 per hour, and each worker node costs $0.10 per hour, which means that the total cost for running three worker nodes and one master node for a month would be:

1 x $0.10 x 24 x 30 = $72.00 (EKS Service) 3 x $0.10 x 24 x 30 = $216.00 (Worker Nodes) Total Cost: $288.00/month

Google Cloud Platform (GKE)

Google Cloud Platform's managed Kubernetes service, GKE, has a similar pricing structure to EKS. The cost of running GKE is $0.10 per hour, and each worker node on GKE costs $0.10 per hour, plus the cost of the machine type you select. Assuming that you select the n1-standard-2 machine type, which costs $0.085 per hour, the total cost for running three worker nodes and one master node for a month would be:

1 x $0.10 x 24 x 30 = $72.00 (GKE Service) 3 x ($0.10 + $0.085) x 24 x 30 = $430.20 (Worker Nodes) Total Cost: $502.20/month

Microsoft Azure (AKS)

Microsoft Azure's managed Kubernetes service, AKS, has a slightly different pricing model. The cost of running AKS is $0.10 per hour for the cluster management fee, plus the cost of the infrastructure used by the Kubernetes nodes themselves. Assuming that you select the Standard_B2s machine type, which costs $0.0408 per hour, the total cost for running three worker nodes and one master node for a month would be:

1 x $0.10 x 24 x 30 = $72.00 (AKS Service) 3 x ($0.0408) x 24 x 30 = $87.81 (Worker Nodes) Total Cost: $159.81/month


As you can see from the cost comparison above, the costs of running managed Kubernetes services on EKS, GKE, and AKS can vary greatly depending on the provider and the machine type you select. In general, AKS tends to be the least expensive option. However, it's important to keep in mind that other factors, such as ease of use, reliability, and security, can also play a significant role in your decision.

We hope that you found this cost comparison helpful in making your decision for the perfect managed Kubernetes service for your cloud infrastructure.


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